‘Life in Progress’

Life in progress, Elementary, God julija hartig Life in progress, Elementary, God julija hartig

#12 ’GodLess’

We called my paternal grandmother Ómama. That was a typical name for a grandmother in the families where both Hungarian and German languages were spoken. To me, she was a fascinating old woman, with steel character, always dressed in black, with a black scarf on her head, that carried in it the whole content of the bible. I was grateful to her stories which listened to with much curiosity and forever planted in me as an inspiration in a form of metaphorical wisdom.

Ómama was blessed with a very healthy long life, lived in a very peculiar way. 

Her life journey began at the end of the 19th century. Nobody ever really knew the exact year of her birth. It might have been 1892 or 1895. Being an orphan, a lot of questions stayed unanswered even to her… There was never really much fuss about that, because, back then the life of a person had so much less individual value… 

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